With so many businesses making the headlines for things they didn't want us to know, it's not surprising that consumers want to know WHO it is we are supporting when we click the buy button.
Transparency is now high in demand, especially since fast-fashion companies have been making the headlines with stories uncovering the mistreatment and underpaying of employees. However, it's not just the fast-fashion industry that's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes!
Corporate greenwashing is when a business makes claims regarding their 'impressive' sustainability, to quite simply distract us from their very unsustainable impacts. This term was coined in the 80's by environmental activist Jay Westerveld, but we think there is a new term that needs to be noted...veganwashing!
What does 'veganwashing' mean?
When a company introduces a plant-based option to their non-vegan menu or product range with the primary intention to raise their image, this takes business away from smaller independent Vegan Founded businesses. Ultimately, the company's efforts to be seen as green and ethical, is nothing more than their latest marketing tactic to improve sales for ALL products.
We have said many times, we are so happy that veganism is on the rise, and vegan options are normalising veganism which is fantastic. However, we do not need to 'keep the demand high' as so many of our community think. The majority of vegan option sales from non-vegan establishments are purchased by non-vegans who are trying the option. So, we can let the non-vegans enjoy the plant-based bites and keep the demand high, whilst we focus on the companies who truly care and ensure our money does not get funneled back into animal exploitation.
We want to know WHO we are buying from, not just what we are buying!
Vegan Founded makes it easy for the vegan community to know if the business they support are a part of our vegan community or if they're simply cashing in on us! Search Vegan Founded businesses HERE